
Chirii Spatii Comerciale Bihor Bihor

Our agents have verified the commercial spaces for renting in Bihor to meet your requirements for the area, surface, equipment, recommended destination and price.
Filter the offers, choose what you like and contact us for a viewing!

m2 m2

m2 m2
ISC 147647 - Commercial space for rent in Olosig Oradea, Oradea
1,100 € 1500€
ISC 147253 - Commercial space for rent in Dimitrie Cantemir Oradea, Oradea
1,300 €
ISC 142242 - Commercial space for rent in Rogerius Oradea, Oradea
500 €
ISC 140986 - Commercial space for rent in Episcopia Bihor Oradea, Oradea
500 €
ISC 120553 - Commercial space for rent in Orasul Nou Oradea, Oradea
4,500 €

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